Monday, June 16, 2008


We expect this list to grow, but so far the following Postcarders/ lunatics are on board:

Sean "Judge" Courtney
Mike "The Professor" Cascio
Wayne "Founding Father" Henning
Jeff "Postmeridiannew" Wilson
Scott "The Mighty Slinger" Long
Lance "Pants" Davis
Enrico "Brother in Arms" Cardamone


The Judge said...

nice....can't wait to give your two-year old mix a spin

screamingnisound said...

so do we send track submissions to the mixer group list and then the whole comp gets posted to the blog?

Enrico said...

That was the original intent and still may play out that way - organizing through the group list and posting the whole comp to the blog. But I do have that question out to Lance - we may be able to use that tool to upload files right to the blog...

LD said...

I'm here! Sorry I've been under a rock. I have responded at the Yahoo account and will fully review all posts both here and there. Good to feel human again!